This boy lives in Israel and his father is a photographer. I was attracted to his beautiful green eyes and the stubborn determination conveyed in the photo.
This painting I did for my daughter who loves Volkswagon Vans. She has always wanted to buy one, add shag carpet, and go on a road trip with her girlfriends. Pinchalo is a nickname for these vans, which the kids started as a road trip game; counting to see who would end up with the most counted.
Yesterday while enjoying a lemonade outside a downtown cafe, my daughter and I noticed a book on a planter that someone had forgotten.......title of the book was..... "Left Behind".
watercolor 22" x 27" This painting was a work in progress, it was started at the time of the Katrina Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico when I needed something cheery to paint. I finally pulled it out and finished it.
watercolor on 140 lb cp 15" x 20" This is from a reference photo of Greenough Park as the evening sun was shining through the trees. May redo this painting and add more colors and depth.