Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 10 - Call Me

Oil on 8 x 8 gessobord

The younger generation will not get the title. They
are the cell phone, cell tower generation. I remember
the day of party lines, knowing your ring and listening
into neighbors conversations when we were little. How
things change through the years. Now everybody has their
attention on Facebook and their iPhones.


Lydia (Killebrew) Jechorek said...

Terrific painting!

Nancy Murphree Davis said...

Beautiful painting. I always love power line paintings!

Pattie Wall said...

I hear ya - they are almost a thing of the past, although living in the country - they will be here for eternity. I remember party lines too. Thanks for the memory walk. Love this sentinel, just standing there...bold and strong.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I DO remember lol. Great painting :-)

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I DO remember lol. Great painting :-) said...

This is a wonderful angle - it adds so much power to a small area.
You look waaaay too young to remember party lines.
Before my time and I am vintage.

Susan Liles said...

Lydia, Nancy, Pattie & Cindy -Thanks for the nice comments on the paintings.
Julie, I'm older than I look-I lived in the era of black and white screen TV.